Saturday, August 11, 2012

Got my Harmony lingual braces on!

Sorry for leaving such a gap in blogs, but there really wasn't much going on between getting my impressions and getting my braces on. So let me tell you about Thursday... I went Thursday morning and got my Harmony Lingual braces on. This was a slighly irritating experience, but not painful at all. The irritation came from the cheek and tongue holders, not very comfortable, and having the assistant constantly telling me to "open bigger". I had my mouth open as far as I possibly could - that's part of the problem, I have a small mouth which is why I need braces!! Anyway, after it was all over I was fine, actually better than expected. I had a bit of a lisp, but it really didn't hurt. Dr. Cliff (Alexander) and his assistant explained how it would get better before it got worse, and gave me a kit with all kinds of goodies for my new braces - floss, wax, gishy goo, etc. Since my appointment to get my teeth extracted was that afternoon we didn't put the wires in, but agreed I'd come back in afterwards, or on Monday to get my wires and the little fake teeth to hide the gaps from my extractions until my teeth close. So that was all good, I went to work for a couple of hours before I had to go to the dentist and I felt fine (although nervous about the extractions). My dentist appt was at 1 with Dr. Siegrist in Las Colinas - who by the way is an AWESOME dentist and I love them! I was seriously freaked about having the teeth pulled, which I told him haha and he was so gentle and reassuring about it, didn't make me feel bad at all. They gave me nitrous gas to help relax me, and then of course the freezing stuff. The whole while he and the assistant were so calming and nice, she kept patting my shoulder which was awesome, it was like a mom gesture lol. And Dr. Siegrist kept checking to make sure I was ok and was feeling relaxed. Turns out I needed a second doese of freezing for 2 of the teeth, so he did that and double checked that I couldn't feel a thing before continuing. I honestly didnt even know he'd taken one out it was so smooth and painfree. The other 2 I heard but that was it. All in all it took under an hour to get 3 teeth pulled, and I was fine to drive home after. What I did find though was that I was exhausted!!! Probably mostly from stressing myself out, but man I slept and slept. I was also concerned that my gums kept bleeding until about 9 at night, but seemed to finally clot up after that. Will post again in a day or two to share how I'm doing

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