Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Day 4 - Wires on

wow - I got my wires put on today and HOLY CRAP are my teeth ever funny!!! I had no idea it would be like this, within 30 minutes I could already feel things happening and I swear I can even feel the air when I breathe, it's like every tooth is super sensitive, it doesn't hurt it's just annoying :( I called Alexander & Alexander first thing this morning since I'd forgotten to on Friday, and they were able to take me right away (they're so awesome there) Dr. Cliff was great as usual, we decided against putting the "fake teeth" in because my teeth on either side of the extractions are still super tender and I couldn't take it - the poor girl doing my wires had to be super careful not to even touch the one top one but she did a great job. I feel like I was just getting the hang of talking around the brackets and now I have to start all over again with the wires. Oh, and the right side of my tongue is super raw so I broke out the gishy goo and that is my hero - that stuff rocks, make sure you ask for it it's so much better than wax! Now I'm just praying Dr. Cliff was right and the super sensitivity will ease up in a day or two - I'll keep you posted PS I'm doing a video series on YouTube to document my progress as well, check it out by searching harmony lingual braces :)

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