Monday, August 13, 2012

Day 2

Well, it's safe to say the most irritating part of this whole thing is definitely the extractions - I'm hungry and irritated lol but the braces really arent that bad! I had a long phone conversation with my friend last night and although I could tell I sounded funny (like I have a fat tongue) it really wasn't that bad. I haven't used any wax or gishy goo yet, mostly because I'm afraid of mucking up my extractions and I don't want to use it until I really need it. I can tell the most irritating parts are going to be the sides of my tongue at the back, which doesnt surprise me because that's where my teeth are really narrow. So the worst part of all this is that I'm terrified of getting dry socket, so that means no hard foods, no brushing the teeth (I did brush the front teeth and tongue because I couldn't stand it but I stayed away from the extractions), no hot liquids and just generally being careful. Pretty sick of lukewarm soup by now lol but ice cream is a gift from heaven! Tried scrambled eggs last night but that was extremely frustrating and I gave up. Thinking maybe I'll try mashed potatoes tonight, just to have something different than soup. On the upside, it's like a built in weight loss plan haha, and I'm going on vacation in a week so hopefully I'll be beach ready! Of course I really just want to be able to eat real food by then so wish me luck ;)

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