Saturday, August 11, 2012

Before Pics

Thought it would be a good time to post my before pics so we have a frame of reference! Also I should be getting pics of what the braces look like when I go in for the wires on Monday but for now, here's what my teeth are like: This is my smile from the front - you can see how my top teeth completely cover the bottom teeth, and how the front 2 teeth are kind of crooked all over (they slope down, in and sideways lol) and also the one canine overlaps a front tooth big time - this is the main culprit for me being unhappy with my smile and hence going for braces btw
Looking at the top jaw, you can see how "squished" my teeth really are, so rather than being a nice "U" shape, they're like a wobbly line of spaghetti :s You can also really see how overlapped that canine is
On the bottom, as you can see I'm already missing a pre-molar, that's why I only need 3 teeth removed. But you can also see, again, how short my teeth are on space - although my lowers have a much nicer arch than my uppers.

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