Thursday, June 28, 2012

fitted for harmony braces

I went for my appointment the other day to get my impressions taken. What an experience! Everyone there is so ridiculously friendly and genuinely nice! They all welcomed me and congratulated me on my decision. The process of doing the impressions wasn't too bad, but of course I had to be the exception to the rule and it took 3 tries to get my bottom one right. On the upside Michelle and Dr. Cliff were both very meticulous in making sure they were right before they go off to the lab. The reason it took 3 tries is that my teeth are so crowded the bottom palate is kind of squished, so we had to switch to a smaller tray. And overall it still only took about half an hour so not a big deal. Michelle was kind enough to send me my pictures and x-rays, which I will post soon. Now begins the waiting - the impressions get sent to the lab in Europe so it will take about 6 weeks to get the braces back and then I can get them put on (and get a couple extractions - eeks!) Stay tuned...

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