Wednesday, September 26, 2012

One month with my Harmony lingual braces!!!

Well I've had my harmony lingual braces for just over a month now and been using my acceledent for a few weeks - although I have to admit I was on vacation for 10 days and didn't exactly keep up with it : s I do believe the acceledent is working though because it seems like when I wasn't using it my teeth didn't feel like they were moving as much. So it's time to get back on track! I still find the teeth on either side of the extractions to be quite tender when biting down but other than eating my teeth don't hurt at all any more. Also, happy news - today a coworker told me she is starting to see a difference in my smile!! That's awesome because I was feeling like there was no difference at all lol. I have an appt next week so will update again after that.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Harmony Lingual Braces - 1st official visit

I had my official follow up visit today, to check the wires and positioning and to get pontics (fake teeth to fill the extraction gaps) and also get power chains. Those are to help close the gap. I actually got power threads instead, they're like little stretchy elastics, Dr. Alexander thought they would work better with the lingual braces. I felt them right away so hopefully that means they're working already! I have a wedding Saturday, so I'm pretty happy about the fake teeth because I've been really self conscious about smiling, and getting pictures taken, because you can see them if my head is turned to the side at all. Dr. Cliff put them in really quick and I couldn't even feel anything while he was building them up which was great. Basically the fake teeth are for cosmetics only, I can't eat with them and they don't actually reach if I bite down, but they hide the gaps and look amazingly real. I'm not sure how long I'll keep them after the wedding, just because I feel like it's an extra place for food to get stuck etc. but we'll see I've been using the Acceledent, not every day as intended (I missed a couple days on the long weekend) but trying hard. It seems to be less powerful now and I'm not sure if that's because I'm getting used to it or if it actually is doing less vibration but either way it's super easy and doesn't hurt at all. My teeth are pretty much fine now, it seems like they rotate aching lol, one tooth will be sore for a couple days, then a different one, etc. and sometimes when I chew on the right side it feels like one is loose, but I'm just careful and it's fine. I am still careful about what I eat, nothing hard or difficult to chew, but I've had pasta, chicken, shrimp, rice, eggs, bacon, even pizza. I'm still having trouble with my "S"'s but everything else seems to have improved a lot so I'm happy about that as well. That's it for now, will keep you posted :)