Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Month 10 with Harmony Lingual Adult Braces

Well it's been awhile since my last post, 2 months I think. I had suspected that my teeth had sort of backslid and having just looked at the pics from April I can see they really did - the gap on the bottom left was almost closed in my last post but when I went in yesterday it was back to being substantial. Thankfully the work they did yesterday has closed that again, not quite as it was but a LOT smaller. So needless to say I've been very frustrated, it seems like the last 2 months were just kind of a waste. I brought up my concerns with Dr. Cliff and he was super sweet about it and made sure to address my concerns. We put power thread on both the top and bottom but ran it further back so hopefully the teeth will move the right way and actually stay there this time. We also set my next appointment for 3 weeks from now so that it won't be so long with me being frustrated. Hopefully we will also put in the new bottom wire and reposition the brackets on one or both of the twisted teeth. My goal is to have the gaps on the left closed within the next 2 months (by the one year mark) and I would be thrilled if the front twisted tooth was more or less straight by then as well because I'm so sick of it being ugly and obvious up front that I'm ready to yank it out myself lol. So also at the next appointment I should be getting new pictures taken and I will post them here as soon as I get them. thanks for following :)